Financial Times: Food companies use Labour Safe™ to spark social accountability.
Traceability > Knowledge Exchange > Action > Better Conditions
Press about Labor Safe Screening: Companies gain information from workers, human rights authorities and suppliers to identify the working conditions behind the products they trade (CBC August 2018). It is a 3-part framework for seafood buyers, sellers and traders to use to identify hotspots by combining industry and human rights data in novel ways, allowing companies to take targeted corrective action, and recognizing workers’ skills and value as a key part of the solution. (UN Alliance 8.7 December 2018).

Sustainability Incubator won the tech challenge to fight labor trafficking.
We won for novel and effective methods and we have proved that forced labour conditions can be detected with our methods.
HRDD’s place in trade law is relatively new, but here to stay.
Our work is focused on ensuring an effective and efficient response to people in need; never broad check-marks which disguise foundational threats and create new liabilities.
In 10 years we have screened workplace conditions in 545 supply chains. We can say, without a doubt, that training your team is the one sure path to success with labour and human rights.
We have learned that tech is not enough without training to build capacity in procurement, knowledge and options for the business.
We offer a traceability program and 3 levels of training: